
March Peek A Newz

  1. Winterfest Volleyball 2020
  2. Webkinz 2020 Winterfest Cookie Prizes

Winterfest Volleyball 2020

March 5, 2020 at 8:00 am · Filed under Webkinz Newz
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Jan 07, 2018  In recognition of your loyalty, we have created two special gifts that can be redeemed on Webkinz.com accounts, one for our Amazing World free players and a larger gift for our Amazing World paid members. To ensure that you receive your gift, please associate a Webkinz account with your Amazing World account in your Journal before January 31, 2018.

March Peek A Newz Prizes include the NEW Aquamarine Belt & Soft Gray Coffee Tableas well as these items we have seen previously:
Aquamarine Mosaic Tile, Aries Symbol Wall Decoration, Boomin Green Chair, Boomin Green Couch, Clover Patch, Green Cat Ear Toque, Green Stage Light, Sham Rockin’ Bandana, Sham Rockin’ Bottoms, Sham Rockin’ Microphone, Sham Rockin’ Shirt, Shamrockin’ Guitar, Silver Treasure Chest, St. Patty’s Jukebox