
Mar 01, 2019 Adventure Park pets come with specific quests special to each pet, and the challenges will send you to different parts of this area. There is not a code needed to access Adventure Park, just adopt a pet (either the Webkinz or the Lil' Kinz) from this series. As long as the series of pets are in Ganz Programming you receive access.

Adventure Park Guide, Tips and Series 1 Pet Quest Walkthroughs

Velvety Elephant Shooting Star Ship

Chimpanzee Fresh Waterfall Wall

Pink Pony Beanstalk Climbing Tree

Fox Confection Perfection Press

Spotted Frog Dragon’s Fire

Koala Jolly Roger Roller

Husky Weather Console Machine

Spotted Leopard Hero of the Storm Display

Mud Hippo Rainbow Machine

Below are tips, pet walkthroughs and then daily quest.


  1. Whenever there is an issue with the park, “x” out to the main map and go back in.
  2. Everyone always laughs that my pets don’t wear clothing…well laugh no more. People are finding that adventure park works best when your pets go without clothing. Some cannot get into the cave while wearing certain hats, so just go with no clothing and you might eliminate issues.
  3. Digs: You get 36 when you start the park. You get 10 more each day. You can purchase extra digs at the estore. While doing your pet quest do NOT collect your final prize before using all the digs because you can’t go back. The cave and lake have the most dig areas, I have found, so if you collect the final prize all the items in the dig area will be stuck there. Be sure to finish digging before you claim your prize. Also while digging, once you find the item stop digging and come back when the quest is almost finished. If you continue to dig you might not be able to finish the quest that day, you will have to wait for more digs.
  4. When in the tournament arena, if you can’t beat the game, switch games after losing.

Pet Specific Quests:

Pink Pony

Quest: Beanstalk Birthday

GrandPrize: Beanstalk Climbing Tree

Tasks: 12

Digsite: In the clouds

I forgot to write down all the information. If you have anything to help, please let us know.

  1. Search for 5 beans in the park
  2. Search for 3 gifts that you need to dig up (Do not use all your digs) in the clouds
  3. Search for 5 balloons that are out in the open in the clouds
  4. Play Home Before Dark and score 200 points
  5. Turn off 3 switches in the clouds
  6. Collect all the guests for the party in the park
  7. Search for the key that you need to dig up (Do not use all your digs)
  8. Wish the birthday boy happy birthday in the clouds
  9. Beat the birthday boy in checkers in the tournament arena
  10. I don’t remember what this step was
  11. Deliver a loot bag to Boris in the cave
  12. Deliver a loot bag to Sera in the lake

DO NOT COLLECT YOUR FINAL PRIZE! Return to the clouds and continue to dig till you have dug up everything. If you use all your digs, just wait till tomorrow, you will get 10 more shovels. Continue to do this till you have everything dug up and then collect your grand prize.



Quest: Journey to the Crystal Caves

GrandPrize: Rainbow Machine

Tasks: 11


Digsite: In the cave

  1. Collect 7 map pieces in the park
  2. Rearrange map pieces
  3. Take message to Boris in the cave
  4. Dig 3 crystals (green, pink and blue) in the cave (Do not use all your digs)
  5. Collect 5 red flowers in the park
  6. Play Goober’s Lab and score 1500 points
  7. Find Boris’s pickaxe, that is out in the open, in the cave
  8. Search for 7 lost miners in the cave
  9. Deliver a message to Sera the mermaid
  10. Deliver a message to Rafi in the clouds
  11. Dig up one more crystal in the cave

DO NOT COLLECT YOUR FINAL PRIZE! Return to the cave and continue to dig till you have dug up everything. If you use all your digs, just wait till tomorrow, you will get 10 more shovels. Continue to do this till you have everything dug up and then collect your grand prize.



Quest: Weather Worries

GrandPrize: Hero of the Storm Display

Tasks: 11

Digsite: clouds

  1. Deliver message to Rafi in the clouds
  2. Dig 1 key up in the clouds (Do not use all your digs)
  3. Search for 3 monkies in the clouds
  4. Search for 3 switches in the clouds
  5. Play Where’s Wacky and score 100 points
  6. Collect 8 password pieces in the park
  7. Unscramble the puzzle
  8. Search for 3 valves in the clouds
  9. Dig 1 lightning stick up in the clouds (Do not use all your digs)
  10. Beat Gnomon in a game of Link’d in the tournament arena
  11. Go to Boris, in the cave, and Sera, in the lake, to get letters and deliver notes to Molly

DO NOT COLLECT YOUR FINAL PRIZE! Return to the clouds and continue to dig till you have dug up everything. If you use all your digs, just wait till tomorrow, you will get 10 more shovels. Continue to do this till you have everything dug up and then collect your grand prize.



Webkinz Eager Beaver Adventure Park

Quest: Deep Water Dilemma

GrandPrize: Fresh Waterfall Wall

Tasks: 10

Digsite: underwater

1. Meet the mermaid. Deliver Roberta’s message in a bottle to Sera the Mermaid. Go to the floating dock to go underwater, and you’ll be able to find her from there. She will know what to do.
2. Sample Search. Fetch Roberta’s missing water sample. Dig it up in one of the rooms just past the anchor back to Adventure Park. Go under the arch just to the right of the anchor, then straight under the arch on the upper right into the dig area.
3. Find the 3 pink fish council members, they are on the floor around the mermaid.
4. Dig for the key to the Lost City. After you go under the arch to the right of the anchor, go to the arch on the right to dig.
5. Pearls of Wisdom. Go see the Fish King. Take the door across from Sera to the lost city. Along the way pick up a Pearl of Wisdom and take it to the Fish King.
6. Game of Gills. Meet the Fish King in the Tournament Arena and attempt to defeat him in a game of Link’D then return to the Adventure Park, and go to the Fish King again.
7. Underwater Escort. Go fetch the King’s 3 advisors (find 3 Lion Fish in 3 different rooms).
8. Blueprint Puzzle. Click on the tiles to rotate them to look like the picture in the “Hint”.
9. Shut Down. Find 3 valves in 3 different rooms of the lost city and shut them off, then return to the King Fish.
10. Royal Regrets. Take the thank you note back to Roberta. Along the way, pick one up from Sera, Boris the Cave Mole, and Rafi the Cloud Guardian, too.

DO NOT COLLECT YOUR FINAL PRIZE! Return underwater to complete your digs. Continue to dig till you have dug up everything. If you use all your digs, just wait until tomorrow, you will get 10 more shovels. Continue to do this until you have dug up everything, and then collect your grand prize.


Spotted Frog

Quest: The Dragon’s Den
GrandPrize: Dragon’s Fire
Tasks: 11
Digsite: Cave
1. Go speak to Sparky. He is having an issue with Raziel. Unscramble password for Sparky (click tiles to rotate them, similar to a puzzle in Zum Challenges).
2. Take the message and find Boris in the cave (click rocks behind Cowabelle).
3. Find Boris’ three nephews. Click rock pile in far right corner of room to enter another room (click nephew). Click doorway to enter another room (click 2nd nephew), go back through the archway you came in, when back in the room, click the ‘walkway’ which will take you to another room where you will find the 3rd nephew. Backtrack your way back to Boris by clicking the archway again and then clicking the rope ladder.
4. Take a message to Raziel. Take the door on the back wall behind and to the right of Boris to go see Raziel. Walk down hallway and click archway. Click on orange dragon (aka Raziel).
5. Head to the arcade and earn 2000 points playing Smoothie Moves. After scoring over 2000 points, head back to the Adventure Park and find your way back to Raziel.
6. Find Raziel’s scale scratcher. Click on the archway to the left of Raziel. Click on rocks in order to ‘dig’ to find the scale scratcher. When you dig, use the words freezing, cold, warm, warmer, and HOT as clues where you should be digging. HOT is what you’re looking for. Once you’ve found the scale scratcher, click the archway you came through to go back and see Raziel.
7. Find 3 ice dragons. Click the archway you went through before to dig for the scale scratcher. THEN, click on the archway to your pets right (click ice dragon). Click archway you came in to get back into the main room. Next, click the archway on the left of your screen (click ice dragon). Go back to the room you came from. Finally click archway on the right of the screen (click third ice dragon). Head back to see Raziel.
8. Head to the Tournament Arena to play a game of Link’D against Raziel. If you don’t win, click “Adventure Park Quest Game” to play him again. Once you beat him at Link’D, find him again in the Adventure Park where you spoke to him before.
9. Go back up and outside to the park and click on Sparky. Go back into the cave, down to see Raziel.
10. Click on archway beside Raziel’s tail. ‘Dig” around until you find “Dragon’s Fire”. Go back through archway and click on Raziel.
11. Find 2 more pieces of Dragon’s Fire, then bring it to Sparky. Head back outside to the park and walk around until you find the tree with a ladder made of rope up the side of it (near Molly the Pig). Click it and it will take you to the ‘clouds’ where you will need to click on the blue/yellow lion named Rafi. He will give you one Dragon’s Fire. Click on the ladder in the trees to go back down to the park. THEN, make your way over to where Salley Cat is and click on the raft in the pond behind her. Find Sera the mermaid and she will give you the last Dragon’s Fire. Go back upstairs to the park by clicking on the anchors with red arrows pointing at them. Finally, find Sparky in the park and click on him.
DO NOT COLLECT YOUR FINAL PRIZE! Return to the cave and continue to dig till you have dug up everything. If you use all your digs, just wait till tomorrow, you will get 10 more shovels. Continue to do this till you have everything dug up and then collect your grand prize.



Quest: The Lost Pirate Treasure
GrandPrize: Jolly Roger Roller
Tasks: 12

Go see Salley Cat. She found pirate treasure, but it is underwater. She says that water and salley cats don’t mix. Lol

  1. Collect 5 pieces of the map hidden in bushes in the park. Once you have found them all go back to
    Salley Cat.
  2. Correctly arrange the pieces of the pirate treasure map to open the underwater area.
  3. Take a message to Sera the mermaid.
  4. Find 3 seahorses and send them back to Sera. They are located on the floor that she is on.
  5. Find 3 seashells by digging them up.
  6. Score 600 points on Candy Bash in the Arcade.
  7. Find 5 sets of colored stones lying around the park and bring them back to Sera.
  8. Dig up a key and bring it back to Sera.
  9. Take the lamp into the pirate ship and find the Ghost Pirate.
  10. Beat the Ghost Pirate at a game of Bathtub Battles.
  11. Dig up the treasure and bring it back to Ghost Pirate.
  12. There is a curse on the trinket. You will need to go to Boris and Rafi to get trinkets from them, then take them to Salley Cat.



GrandPrize: Weather Console Machine
Tasks: 10

Roberta wants to make her world famous banana bread,
but needs lightning butter

  1. Collect 5 Sapberries from the park garden (it is the new area on the left) and bring them back to her.
  2. Take a Sapberry Bouquet up to Rafi.
  3. When you get into the clouds it is hard to see because something is turning all the air greed. Go ask Lunk the
    Giant to take an air sample.
  4. Track down the 3 canaries and send them back to Boris, so go to the cave and see him and he will
    open the cave for you.
  5. Score 500 points in Tunneling Twigzy in the Arcade. Once you win, go talk to Goober in the clouds.
  6. Rearrange the blueprint for Goober.
  7. Score 1000 points in Lily Padz 2. When you win, go back and talk to Goober. Then off to speak with Sera underwater.
  8. Dig up 3 Sponge Corals in the sunken ship.
  9. Go see Goober in the clouds. Now go to the arcade and score 200 points in Zingoz Pop. Then return to see Goober in the clouds.
  10. Go see Rafi. Now take the Ligtning Butter to Roberta.



Quest: Candy Festival Jeopardy
GrandPrize: Confection Perfection Press
Tasks: 10
Digsite: all over

Webkinz Adventure Park Walkthrough

Go see stoogles.

  1. Look around the bushes in the park for 7 invitations. The bushes glow, once you have found them go
    back to Stoogles.
  2. Go talk to Boris in the cave. Now he wants you to score 500 points in Candy Bash 2.
  3. Weeds are gumming up candy machines, go pull 8 weeds in the cave. Once you collect all 8 go back and
    talk to Boris.
  4. Now go talk to the ghost pirate underwater in the sunken ship. He wants you to beat him in a game of Bathtub Battles.
  5. Find 3 workers in the sunken ship. Once you found them go see Boris in the cave.
  6. Dig around the cave and find 3 Cave Potato Chips.


Velvety Elephant
Mini-Quest: A Nafarious Ploy
Prize: Shooting Star Ship
Tasks: 10

Go see Cowabelle, something has happened to all the kinz. Help her figure out what has happened.

1. Go to the Adventure Park Garden and gather 5 Purple Dust Clusters. Then go back and talk to
2. Go talk to Sera underwater to see if she knows what is going on. Go look for the three frightened Dolphins. Then go back to talk to Sera.

3. Go up the clouds to see if Goober knows what is going on. Go to the Arcade and play Dex Dangerous and the Lunar Lugbots and score 150 points. Then go back and talk to Goober in the clouds
4. Goober needs three items dug up out of the clouds. Look for Energy Cell, a Lightning Stake and a Fusion Conductor. Once you found them, return to Goober.
5. Now go see Boris in the cave. Search the caves for 3 miners that have scrap metal for you. Now return to Boris.
6. Go see Raziel the Dragon in the cave. Go to the Arcade and ply Tulip Trouble 2 and score 150 points.
7. Now go see the Ghost Pirate underwater in the sunken ship. Dig around the ship and find 3 Glass Stars.
8. Go see Lunk the Giant in the clouds. Go to the Arcade and play Link’d and beat him. Then return to the clouds to talk to Lunk the Giant.
9. Go see Goober in the clouds. He needs you to send the Shooting Star Ship to Lunks room, click on the ship. Then speak to Goober again.
10. Take the antidote to each kinz, there are 7 to deliver, and then go see Cowabelle.

Daily Quick Quests:

Alex’s Quick Quest

Digging: None
Prize: Curio Shop items
1. Deliver message to Boris in cave.
2. Play Tunneling Twigzy and score 2000 points (when finished go see Alex).
3. Beat Alex at a game of Checkers (even though Boris is who you end up playing).
Once you finish go back and talk to Alex.

Captains Flooring

1. Go see alex
2. Alex says take message to boris
3. Boris says play tunneling twigzy for 2000 points
4. Rreturn to boris, go see alex
5. Alex says play and beat him in zingo switcheroo
6. Back to alex for floor prize

Cowabelle’s Quick Quest
Digging: in cave
Objective: Dig up a potato
Prize: Curio Shop
1. Play Wacky Zingoz and score 1500 points
2. Take flowers to Boris in the cave (it will say 0/1 flowers, yet when you click on Boris you will move to the next task)
3. Dig up a potato in the cave (dig up the whole area before returning to Cowabelle)

Molly Quick Quest

Digging: in cave
Objective: Dig up a yellow crystal
Prize: Curio Shop items
1. Take message to Boris
2. Beat Boris at Bathtub Battles
3. Dig to find Mollys yellow crystal in the cave (dig the whole area before returning to Molly)

Nibbles Daily Quest
Title: Collect the Stones
Digging: None
Tasks: 3
Prize: Curio Shop items
1. Collect 5 colored stones in the park
2. Unjumble the puzzle.
3. Play color storm and score 100 points

Roberta’s Quick Quest
Digging: Cave
Tasks: 3
1. Take a stew to Boris.
2. Go find Boris’ pickaxe in the cave.
3. Play Tile Towers and score 140 points.

Roberta’s Quick Quest
Digging: Clouds
Tasks: 3
1. Go to the garden park and collect 5 Purple Dust Clusters.
2. Go see Goober in the clouds. He will ask you to play Tulip Trouble 2 and score 150 points.
3. Dig up 4 bottles of antidote and take them to Roberta.

Salley Cat’s Quick Quest
Digging: Under water
Tasks: 3
Prize: Curio Shop items
1. Deliver message to Sera the Mermaid.
2. Play Zingoz Pop and score 300 points.
3. Dig up a fish scale souvenir under water.

Sparky’s Quick Quest
Digging: None
Tasks: 3
Prizes: Curio Shop Items
1. Play a round of checkers with Sparky and beat him.
2. Play Smoothie Moves and score 2000 points.
3. Play Goober’s Lab and score 1000 points.

Stoogles’ Quick Quest
Title: Dig Up the Lost Lantern
Digging: under water
Tasks: 3
Prizes: Curio Shop items
1. Play Go-Go Googles and get 1000 points
2. Take a message to Sera the Mermaid.
3. Dig up Stoogles lantern in the underwater shipwreck.

Mini Quest:

Mini Quest for Deepwater Doubloon Display
Tasks: 4
Prize: Deepwater Doubloon Display
1. Take a coin to Sera the Mermaid underwater.
2. Beat Sera at a game of Bathtub Battles in the Tournament Arena.
3. Dig up a key for the shipwreck. You go in the arch next to the ladder. Dig around till you find the key.
4. Go in the shipwreck and find somewhere to dig. She says you should be able to find 3 areas with 1 doubloon in each, when you find all 3 take them to Cowabelle.

Mini Quest for Ligtening Cake
Tasks: 4
Prize: Lightening Cake
Object: Bring Flowers to Fafi
1. Bring 5 red flowers from the park to Nibbles.
2. Take bouquet to Rafi in the clouds.
3. Deliver 3 lightensticks to Rafi, dig them up in the clouds (dig up the whole area before returning to Rafi).
4. Take lightening cake to Nibbles.

Mini-Quest for Roberta’s Tea Party
Prize: Stratospheric Tea Pot
Tasks: 4
Object: Get ingredients for tea
Go see Roberta. She has invited Sally Cat over for tea and she needs the finest in ingredients.
1. Go up into the clouds and pick 5 Stratosphere Tea Leaves. Then go back to Roberta
2. Now she needs a bottle of Mermaid Choice Sparkling Water. Go visit Sera under the water. Now beat Sera at a game of checkers. After you beat her return to her and she will give you the Sparkling Water for Roberta.
3. Go to the cave and ask Boris for some excellent Tea Egg. Bois want you to dig up 3 Platinum Gold Nuggets from the cave. Take the Gold Nuggets back to Boris.
4. Go see Roberta, she will give you a Golden Tea Egg that you must take to Sally Cat

Mini Quest for Soaking Sad Dragon
Tasks: 4
Prize: Raziel Rain Jacket
Object: Get a rain suit for Raziel the dragon
1. Bring a letter to Lunk the giant in the clouds.
2. Go see Raziel in the cave and use the teleporter to go directly there.
3. It is raining in the cave. Go and turn off 3 drainage valves to hopefully stop the rain. Then return to speak to Raziel the dragon.
4. Go ask Boris in the cave and see if he knows how to fix the rain. Dig around in the cave for 3 lengths of rope.

There are a select number of Webkinz pets that unlock the Adventure Park. Your first Adventure Park pet adoption will grant you full access to the Adventure Park and every Adventure Park pet comes with a pet specific quest to be completed in the Adventure Park.

Webkinz Adventure Park Dig Prizes

The full list of Adventure Park pets is shown below:

Webkinz Adventure Park Animals

· Pink Pony
· Koala
· Spotted Frog
· Chimpanzee
· Spotted Leopard
· Mud Hippo
· Husky
· Velvety Elephant
· Fox

Webkinz Adventure Park How To Dig

Please note that these pets are Webkinz pets; the L’il Kinz version of these pets will not unlock the Adventure Park.