
The Webkinz Signature Range below is a part of Webkinz Logo Collection Gallery. This digital photography of Webkinz Signature Range has dimension 960 × 720 pixels. You can see a gallery of Webkinz Logo below. And if you think that this image are interested to share with your friends, don't hesitate to share it on your Social Media account. All 10 Webkinz Day trophies (2006-2015) A few things to remember We will especially be looking for pet designs that celebrate your love for Webkinz or are inspired by our 10 Year Anniversary! You can enter as many designs as you want! Contestants MUST upload their work to the Design A Webkinz Gallery on the GanzWorld Share Center.

Signature English Bulldog Announced for December!

Our Webkinz Insider readers will remember that Ganz intends to end the line of Signature Pets in December 2013. This was announced in July 2013, when Ganz said that the last Signature pet would be a favorite dog.
Webkinz Newz has revealed that the last Signature pet will be the English Bulldog. There are several other Bulldogs in Webkinz World already. The first bulldog dates back to 2007: the regular-size Webkinz Bulldog. Then came the Lil Kinz Bulldog in Jan 2008, and the more recent Bad to the Bone Bulldog in 2012, and Bulldog Puppy in 2013. Click HERE for a link to our Dog Collection page.
Here you can see the plush pet looking irresistible, just as the bulldog is in real life. The bulldog is symbolic of the United Kingdom and often associated with Winston Churchill's defiance of Nazi Germany during the second World War. It is the official mascot of the US Marine Corps, as well as 39 American universities and many sports teams. This very old breed makes an excellent pet and is beloved by its owners.
We will bring you news of its virtual avatar, PSI and PSF as soon as they are revealed.
Learn all about Signature Pets in our WIKI.

Signature Ocelot and Striped Cheeky Cat Coming in November!

Webkinz Newz is giving us a sneak peek at two new pets that will be released in November 2013: both are cats, but as different as can be!
On the left you can see the Signature Ocelot. This will be the second-from-last Signature pet, as this line is being discontinued at the end of this year.
On the right is the Striped Cheeky Cat. There are a lot of cats in Webkinz World, and you can see them in our Cat Collection. Do you know that our WIKI also has a page dedicated to a Collection of Cat Items?
An easy way to get these or any other Webkinz is through our partner store Ameriwade. Ameriwade charges a flat shipping fee of $5 in the US ($8 in Canada), for any size order up to 8 Webkinz; and your credit card is not charged until your order ships.

Webkinz Newz offers Sneak Peek of the Signature West Highland Terrier

There is a new dog coming to town - woot, woot! Or is that woof, woof? What better pet to cuddle up to than the very soft, the very regal, the super realistic Signature West Highland Terrier. This wonderful new Signature Pet will be arriving in stores this August 2012. So if you are looking for a friend to enjoy long walks with as the evenings start to cool in August the Signature West Highland Terrier is a perfect fit for you and your family.
Be sure to stop by www.Ameriwade.com when you are ready to purchase your next Webkinz. Ameriwade has a wonderful selection of Webkinz and Webkinz items to choose from and features a $5 flat-rate shipping charge no matter how large your order is. Your credit card will not be charged until your new pet/pets have been shipped.

Ameriwade's 'Last Chance Christmas Sale' Ends Today!

Webkinz Logo
If you're looking for that perfect last-minute Christmas gift for your favorite Webkinz fan, there's no better place to shop than Ameriwade, Webkinz Insider's partner store. For the next few days, Ameriwade is featuring special rates on Signature Webkinz and eStore pets/items. There is still time to place an order and have it arrive at a USA location by Christmas. Just make sure to get your order in before Noon, Pacific Time, on Tuesday, December 20.
As always, shipping is still a low $5 per order, customers who pay with credit cards are not charged until their orders ship, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.

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UPDATE: Today's the last day to order! You must have your order in by 3pm US Kinz Time!

Signature Arctic Fox Pet Specific Item and Special Food Revealed

Moments ago Ganz revealed the Pet Specific Item and Pet Special Food for the Signature Arctic Fox. This new pet will come with Frozen Fish and Chips and a Daring Den Slide. You may remember that Ganz is releasing the Signature Arctic Fox in very limited quantities for December 2011. Each retailer will only be able to order two plushie pets per location.
Ameriwade, Webkinz Insider's partner store, is holding off on offering this plushie as a pre-order until they can determine if more pets will be available for reorder next month. In the meantime, Ameriwade is still offering pre-orders on all the other December 2011 Webkinz -- at only $13.99 each and $5 flat rate shipping -- and a portion of each sale goes to help us here at Webkinz Insider!

Signature Arctic Fox Webkinz to be Released for December 2011

Ganz has just announced that the Signature Webkinz for December 2011 is going to be the Signature Arctic Fox. Look at all that fluffy white fur! This plushie is much more detailed than the regular Arctic Fox that was released in April 2009. This pet will be joining the Arctic Polar Bear, Bubblegumasaurus (plush), Darling Dino, and Sterling Cheeky Cat on store shelves in December.
All of the December 2011 plushies will be availabe for pre-order at Webkinz Insider's partner store, Ameriwade, starting on Thursday, October 27. Don't forget that Ameriwade features $5 flat rate shipping to the USA and Canada, no matter how large your order is, shoppers who pay with credit cards are not charged until their orders ship, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.

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Ameriwade Pre-sale of November Webkinz to Begin Sept. 26

Originally Submitted by FIA on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 6:19pm, ET.
Thank you to our friends at Ameriwade we can now tell all of our readers which Webkinz will be released for November 2011. Shown above are the Labradoodle, Bull Terrier, Snow Yet, and Signature German Shorthaired Pointer. You may remember that we got a sneak peek at the Labradoodle and Bull Terrier in the Webkinz TV commercial that debuted earlier this Summer.
All four of these pets will be available for pre-sale on Ameriwade's website starting on Monday, September 26. Remember, Ameriwade reatures $5-flat rate shipping to the USA and Canada, no matter how large your order is, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.

Ameriwade Pre-Sale of October Webkinz Affected by Shortage

The good news is that the Ameriwade pre-sale for the October 2011 products has begun! The bad news is that, due to Ganz cutting retailer inventories short, Ameriwade is not able to sell all of the products scheduled for release. At this time, Ameriwade is pre-selling the Signature Pot Bellied Pig, the Domino Cat (November's POTM), and the Orca Whale with Caring Valley Tag. Ameriwade also has a large selection of Adventure Park pets for sale, several of which are ready to ship immediately.
Ameriwade features $5 flat-rate shipping to the USA and Canada, no matter how large your order is, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.

Webkinz Insider Member Adopts Signature Orange Tabby

Congratulations to Webkinz Insider member violinbeauty on her adoption of a Signature Orange Tabby. Here you can see 'Junior' posing with her Pet Specific Item, the Cool Cat String Swing. Her Pet Special Food is Duck a L'Orange.
Are you looking to add an Orange Tabby to your Webkinz family? Webkinz Insider's partner store, Ameriwade, still has a few in stock! Ameriwade features $5 flat-rate shipping, customers who pay with credit cards aren't charged until their orders ship, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.

Ameriwade Pre-Sale of September Webkinz Affected by Shortage

If you were hoping to add one of the September Webkinz to your collection, you may want to consider placing a pre-order with your local retailer. The news has come in from our Retail Partner, Ameriwade, that Ganz has once again reduced the inventory of plushie pets. Ganz is only allowing retailers to order a handful of each plushie per location. This may not be as noticable at larger chains, who can shuffle their inventories around, but smaller chains, and single stores, are feeling the pinch.

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As a result, Ameriwade will only be able to pre-sell three of the September plushies: the Signature Black Footed Ferret, the Webkinz Black Cat (October POTM), and Caring Valley-tagged Webkinz Dachshunds. The Ameriwade pre-sale is expected to begin later today. Remember, Ameirwade features $5 flat-rate shipping, customers who pay with credit cards aren't charged until their orders ship, and a portion of every sale made online at www.Ameriwade.com goes to supporting Webkinz Insider.