For Operation Gumball, we had a jar of gumballs and the girls had to guess the number of gumballs. Which I then blew up. The prizes were a Webkinz figure or a pack of Webkinz cards. I told each girl to grab a balloon and try to pop it. This party was a blast, and I hope I've given you some ideas if you want to throw a Webkinz party of.
For my daughter's 8th birthday party she wanted a Webkinz party. Of course, there are no decorations or party games for this theme, so we made our own! We started out by surfing the web. We looked on as well as other blogger's posts and got a few ideas . We made a sign for our front door to welcome our guests.
- Operation Gumball is a classic logic game, based on a game that I grew up with – Master Mind. In this game, you are given a set amount of guesses as to the hidden numbers, and on each response, you are given clues on whether the numbers you have are correct and in the right place.
- Webkinz Trading Card Series 3 80/90 Operation Gumball-Excellent! $2.00 0 bids + $0.75 Shipping. Lot Set Of 2 Boxes Ganz Webkinz Trading Card Packs. $29.99 + Shipping. Webkinz Trading Card Series Two-Card 57/85-Geograph ic Globe-Excellen t! Sign in to check out Check out as guest.
We made a list of what we wanted to do at the party and
then made a 'Today's Activities' list just like they have on
Webkinz World. For the games that we played where there would be a winner, we gave $2 KinzCash to the winner and $1 KinzCash to everyone who played. At the end of the party there was a grand prize for the girl with the most Kinz Cash. I bought a Lil Kinz on sale for this prize! The Kinz Cash was made from a website I found online. I made $1 and $2 amounts and just combined them if I needed to give anyone a larger amount (for the Wheel of Wow)
For Operation Gumball, we had a jar of gumballs
and the girls had to guess the number of gumballs
in the jar. The girl with the closest guess got to have
the gumball jar as a prize.
and the girls had to guess the number of gumballs
in the jar. The girl with the closest guess got to have
the gumball jar as a prize.
My daughter stenciled the names of the girls onto goody bags so that the girls could decorate them as they arrived. This was a nice, quiet activity to start off the party.
just like the kids do in Webkinz World. For our
gem hunt, I sent the kids on a treasure hunt to look for the gems they needed to make their pets a 'Bowl of Wonder'. Each clue was hidden around the house with one of my daughter's Webkinz. When they found the treasure, each girl received a bag with one each of 5 different coloured gems just like Arte has for the Crown of Wonder - red, blue, white, green and yellow. I bought acryllic jewels from Michael's and had the girls use white glue to stick them onto the bowls I had found. On the inside of the bowl, I had written 'Bowl of Wonder' and made some webkinz stickers of the Webkinz logo. These took awhile to dry which is why we did it at the beginning of the party.
The next activity was a spin on the Wheel of Wow. I found a small lazy susan at Value Village and cut out a circle of cardboard that was the same size as the lazy susan. I made my Wheel of Wow with similar colours as the one on Webkinz World. For the prizes I had KinzCash as well as RingPops, pink applesauce for Pink Gak, Webkinz Bookmarks and I made pink tutus out of hair elastics and pink tulle. For the random prizes, I just used craft kits that I had purchased at major discounts at Michael's. You could also use dollar store finds like crazy straws, candy, notebooks, pencils, lip gloss - anything girly.
Next was the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament. I split the girls into groups of two. They played Rock, Paper, Scissors and the winners from this round played eachother and then the winners from the next round played eachother until there was one winner. They got $2 KinzCash for winning and everyone else got $1 KinzCash.
Our next activity was Wacky Bingoz.
I made up my own Bingo Cards with
cartoon webkinz on them. The winner
received $2 and everyone else got $1. The girls loved this game. They wanted to play again, but it actually took a long time with 10 girls playing!
I made up my own Bingo Cards with
cartoon webkinz on them. The winner
received $2 and everyone else got $1. The girls loved this game. They wanted to play again, but it actually took a long time with 10 girls playing!
The next activity was Zingoz Pop. I wrote the names of prizes the girls would receive on a piece of paper and put them into balloons, which I then blew up. The prizes were a Webkinz figure or a pack of Webkinz cards. I told each girl to grab a balloon and try to pop it. When they popped it, they brought the piece of paper to me and I gave them their prize. This was a fun game and was over very quickly. The girls loved their prizes and added them to their goody bags.
After this we played Quizzy's Corner. You probably can't read the questions I used, but I took some from the questions on Series 3 Webkinz cards. Others I just made from different things on Webkinz World. The girl who got the most right answers got $2 KinzCash and everyone else got $1. They actually had a tough time with some of the answers and I would probably make the questions easier next time.
The birthday girl got to open her gifts next. We had everyone sit in a circle and she spun a bottle to see whose gift she got to open first.
After gifts we did Chef's Challenge, which was dinner. We had pizza and then had cake. I am not a cake decorator, but I try my best. I but plastic wrap
over top of an image I printed online of my daughter's favorite webkinz, the whimsy dragon. I ouline it with icing and then filled it in with icing. I put another layer of plastic wrap on top and made sure the icing filled all the air bubbles in. I then froze the image in the freezer. When it was frozen, I peeled the plastic wrap off and put it on top of the iced cake. Voila, a Whimsy Dragon Webkinz cake!
Webkinz Operation Gumball
After dinner and cake, I let the girls take another spin on the Wheel of Wow. They then counted up their money to see who won the grand prize of a Lil Kinz. For Candy Bash, I just handed out little candy bags I had made up for their goody bags. It was then time to log out of Webkinz World and the parents arrived to pick up their girls! This party was a blast, and I hope I've given you some ideas if you want to throw a Webkinz party of your own.
Some photos of the other decorations we made. We saved the cartoon photos of the webkinz from Webkinz World and then printed them off for decorations. We colored them in ourselves. This was something my daughter could do to help out with her party.
Can you crack the code? Figure out where those gumballs are placed, & you could win a trophy! Note: There is no trophy on Easy mode, and it has been said that it is getting harder to win the trophy otherwise as well. In addition this is a random trophy, there are 30 levels, and some have won it on level 1 {or higher of course, mostly higher} and some finished all the levels and not won a trophy. This is in direct contradiction to the instructions stating if you finish the game you win a trophy; this may or may not be a 'glitch' and it may or may not have been 'corrected'. When available in the Arena the trophy is winnable there as well {as in programmed in same way}.
Do you have some helpful tips or strategies to win this game? If so, we would to hear them!