There are many methods to the game, but this one seems to bemost popuar:
Level 1: To me, this level is rather dull. It only has onecustomer and it only gives you 55 dollars, although many couldargure that the extra 55 dollars can be very helpful. I wouldadvise you not to skip, because who wouldn't want 55 extradollars!?
Crispy crust, bubbly melted cheese, topped with only the finest ingredients; order pizza for your pet! When fed to a pet, Pizza gives+36 hunger. Crispy crust, bubbly melted cheese, topped with only the finest ingredients; order pizza for your pet! Games Movies TV Video. Webkinz Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
Webkinz Pizza Game
Level 2: You can't upgrade yet, but every pizza you make will bea quarter
pizza, so everything should run smoothly. I always make a plainpizza and pop it in the oven first thing before anyone orders it.That way, the second the Webkinz 'makes up their mind,' I give itto them! Talk about fast service!
Level 3: Before I begin, I upgrade my shoes to the blue pair.The shoes DO make your character, Berry, go faster.
Webkinz Pizza Game Free
Level 4: As in level 3 (see above), I upgrade my shoes to thegold pair, which seem to have wings on the side. (? - Has Webkinzgone Greek?)
Level 5: In this level, I don't buy anything. I save up mymoney. (Really? That doesn't sound like me!)
Level 6: For level 6 I buy the pizza oven that apparently has'alien technology.'
Level 7: For me, level 7's prolouge consists (I'm running out oftransitions!) of a faster pizza dough maker.
Level 8: Now that my oven and dough maker thingy are bothupgraded, I can't make the toppings 'machine' feel left out! Iupgrade that as well.
Level 9: I'm rich! I'm going to now buy another dough maker, asI call it, and then upgrade it!
Level 10:
I now bought a second oven--otherwise the 'whole' pizzas back upthe line.
Level 11- Upgraded oven. Seemed to work fine but I haddifficulty remembering the orders, so was on me not the order ofthe items bought.
And that's how far I have gotten! Have fun in Webkinz World!
You have to be able to focus REALLY good. It takes a lot ofpractice to get far in this game. Here are some tips to getfarther. :)
Level 1- DO NOT SKIP! It gives you 55 extra dollars. Theymight come in handy later on.
Level 2- You can't upgrade yet. ALL the pizzas arequarter pizzas so its easiest just to make them before the ordersstart coming in.
Level 3- Before you begin upgrade to the 'blue' shoes.They can really make a difference.
Level 4- As in Level 3, upgrade your shoes to the goldones with 'wings' on the sides.
Level 5- In this level don't buy anything. Save up yourmoney.
Level 6- Upgrade your pizza oven so it has 'alientechnology'
Level 7- Upgrade your pizza dough maker to make itfaster.
Level 8- Now that both your oven & dough maker areupgraded you can't leave out the toppings machine. :) Upgrade thatalso
Level 9- Buy another dough maker & upgrade it.
Level 10- You will need to buy another pizza oven or elsethe 'whole'pizzas will take to long.
Level 11- Buy another dough maker(you will have 3 now)and a toppings machine(you will have 2)
Level 12- Upgrade the dough maker and toppings machineyou bought in Level 11.
Level 13- Buy another toppings machine.
This is the farthest I have ever gotten because it gets REALLYhard to remember all the orders and keep them straight.